The Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA Australia) has a new CEO & National Manager.

Brendan Watkins, CEO of SPASA Victoria, will take the helm as CEO of SPASA Australia. He will also continue in his role as CEO of the Victorian association. “I am very happy to act as CEO of the national body and pleased to announce that David Syme has been appointed to the new National Manager role - and that he’s already up and running”.

“David has a long and successful background in accreditation and Standards. In recent times he has been running his own consultancy in this field. Previously he was the Regional Manager – India for Joint Accreditation System of Australia & New Zealand, the international body that accredits the various certification bodies in this region against national and international standards.

David is also one of only two ABSDO auditors that assess standards writing bodies - including Standards Australia. This eye for detail will assist SPASA Australia in preparing submissions of the highest quality.” said Watkins.

“His unique combination of skills and experience were critical in the selection process. In recruiting someone from outside the industry, the Board were looking for an impartial approach to this key role, which focuses on National Members.

“Having attained a Master of Engineering degree, David will also enhance the technical support provided to our National Members by SPASA Australia. This independent representation has been needed for some time. David is based in Melbourne and while he will operate out of the SPASA Victoria office he will work closely with all four SPASA associations.” added Watkins.

David Syme said, “It is my pleasure to be entrusted with this new key role of SPASA Australia National Manager. I believe that it is a particularly exciting time for the industry as SPASA QLD, SPASA SA, SPASA VIC & SPASA WA are collectively exploring how they can further benefit their members.

“Our industry faces many challenges including; OHS harmonisation, proposed changes to the National Construction Code 2014, ongoing global financial pressures, DRED (Demand Response Enabling Devices), chemicals of security concern and energy efficiency to name a few. As we work more closely together we can realise better outcomes for all our members.

“My aim is to build on the great work already achieved. To do that effectively I will be complementing the work of the states by better understanding the specific needs of our National Members. Therefore, I look forward to spending time with each of the organisations and members over the coming year” said Syme.

For Further Information:

David Syme, National Manager or Brendan Watkins, CEO - SPASA Australia Ltd   Phone:  03 9501 2040     
