Victoria State Government logo redThe Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Victoria (SPASAVIC) is extremely disappointed with the Premier’s announcement today regarding the construction of small-scale projects, where small teams operate in a completely Covid-Safe environment, with no contact with the community.

SPASAVIC urges the Government to provide further clarity on when small-scale construction will be allowed to proceed in backyards whilst people reside at home, well away from the construction site.

Along with construction, pool service technicians work outside of the home and can carry out their duties in a completely contact-free manner. Under the guidelines given to sole traders for garden maintenance, it is absurd to assert that pool service technicians cannot operate under the same guidelines and totally inconsistent and unfair on other sole operators who take their COVID-Safe work environment seriously.

CEO of SPASAVIC, Chris Samartzis says, "We implore the Victorian Government to consider the COVID-Safe work environment that our entire industry has adopted during this pandemic and allow residential pool and spa construction and maintenance activities to re-commence.

The guidelines around sole traders are totally inconsistent and discriminate against one industry from another.”

SPASAVIC Media Release - SPASAVIC Implores Government to Clarify and Re-Consider Construction Industry Activity - 27 September 2020


For further information please contact:
Kathryn Barres – Marketing Communications Co-ordinator
Telephone: 03 8526 7799 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For Media Comment: Chris Samartzis, CEO SPASAVIC – 0418 443 758



