The Victorian Government has worked closely with businesses, industry groups and unions in developing the list of permitted work premises and the business operating reduction guidelines and they are grateful for the input of all stakeholders.
The Government will continue to consult with industry and workers and be guided by expert health advice as Victorians navigate these restrictions together over coming weeks.
From 11:59 pm on Friday 7th August the following changes will need to be adopted by Victorian residential construction sites. All construction sites will:
- Have a High Risk COVID Safe Plan in place that is regularly updated. Where practicable COVID Safe Plans should be designed with input from employees and their representatives
- Allow no more than one worker per four square metres of enclosed workspace
All employees, supervisors and on-site specialists will be:
- Prohibited from car-pooling to and from work
- Required to inform their employer if they share accommodation with anyone working at another high-risk workplace
- Required to limit movement between multiple sites and observed enhanced PPE and hygiene measures if working between sites
Each small-scale residential construction site will:
- Reduce the number of people on-site to five plus a supervisor at any one time
- Limit movement of workers between different sites where possible, and only with appropriate guidance
- Supervisors can move between sites and specialist trades can move between up to three sites per week, subject to enhanced COVID safe practices
All construction sites are required to have a High Risk COVIDSafe Plan and must follow density restrictions of no more than one worker per four square metres in enclosed spaces.
Additional restrictions apply to:
Additional restrictions apply to:
- Workers visiting multiple sites
- Residential construction sites
- Large-scale construction sites
Renovation work cannot continue during stage 4 restrictions if the premises are occupied. Only essential renovation work can be undertaken. The client commits an offence if they allow you to enter.
A ‘premises’ includes the land on which the building is located. This means that renovation work outside the home that is occupied is also prohibited, unless urgent and essential.