Pool FencingYesterday’s release of Coroner Audrey Jamieson’s recommendations in relation to the death by drowning of a toddler in his backyard pool has prompted SPASA Victoria to again ramp-up its child safety initiative of lobbying the Victorian Government to legislate the mandatory inspection of pool and spa barriers in Victoria.

The Coroner’s recommendations re-iterate SPASA Victoria’s campaigning over previous years to:

  • Mandate the issuance of pool safety certificates prior to sale or lease of a property
  • Implore the Minister for Planning to create a state-wide pool register

SPASA Victoria is strongly of the view that inspections of pool and spa barriers should be mandatory in Victoria in order to improve safety outcomes.

SPASA Victoria continues to implore the Victorian Government to pass legislation to:

  1. Immediately make pool barrier compliance certification mandatory for all properties sold or leased in Victoria
  2. Introduce a mandatory barrier inspection protocol that ensures all residential properties with a pool or spa in Victoria are inspected every three years

Swimming pools are wonderful additions to the lifestyle of any Australian home. The benefits of exercise - and the social capital provided by a pool or spa - are immeasurable. With the current childhood obesity epidemic, the health and fitness advantages to Australian children are undeniable. But barriers must be maintained.

As the peak body for the Pool and Spa industry, SPASA seeks to ensure the safest possible outcomes of pool and spa use for Victorian children and their families. Until mandatory pool and spa barrier inspections are legislated in Victoria, children will continue to be at risk of backyard pool drownings.

As responsible industry leaders, SPASA Victoria will campaign tirelessly until pool and spa barrier inspections are legislated in Victoria.

Coroner Audrey Jamieson's report 'Finding Into Death Without Inquest' dated 1 May 2017

SPASA Victoria Media Release - Government Allows Victorian Children to Remain At Risk - 2 May 2017

Brendan Watkins, CEO SPASA Victoria, speaks out on 3AW radio regarding the Government’s failure to act
