We strongly encourage you to fly the flag and display your member logo at every opportunity, including your website, social media presence, magazine features and other print advertisements - but ensure you use the correct logo.

All members must use their SPASA Member category logo (see below) and not the SPASA logo (pictured top right) NB: SPASA Restricted members do not have access to a logo, they will move to Pool Builder membership after completing the mandated training & consumer references.

In addition - please be reminded that if you are a Gold winner in the Awards of Excellence, you must only display the specific logo stating the name of the award, as per Terms & Conditions of Entry - 'Award winners are encouraged to advertise the winning of an award utilising the official SPASA winner logos. NB: The category that the Award was won in must be stated on all advertising and promotional materials'.

We can provide the required logo/s in several formats to suit all needs including zipped high-res versions for professional print advertisements through to low-res and inverse logos for website use. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please check your marketing material to ensure that you are SPASA logo compliant. Here are the member category logos.

SPASA-Member---Associate  SPASA-Member---Pool-Builder  SPASA-Member---Pool-Shop   SPASA-Member---Spa-Industry